Aggregation functions
Aggregations for extensions of fuzzy sets
Data mining and knowledge discovery
Formal concept analysis
Fuzzy control
Fuzzy decision analysis, decision making, optimization and design
Fuzzy databases and information retrieval
Fuzzy measures and integrals
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
General operators in Computer Science
Interval-valued fuzzy sets
Knowledge extraction, representation, and modeling
Learning, adaptive, and evolvable fuzzy systems
Logic programming
Mathematical foundations of fuzzy sets and fuzzy systems
Rough set theory
- Applications of Computational Intelligent Systems
Submission dates
- Submission of full papers: May 31st, 2017
- Notification of acceptance: June 26th, 2017.
- Camera ready copies due: July 24th, 2017.
- Conference: October 4th–7th, 2017.
How to submit
We invite scientific publications up to six pages, which may be submitted in PDF via the Easychair system below:
Authors are requested to follow the formatting instructions for the Springer LNCS style
Contributions will be selected after a peer review process. Accepted papers must be presented, therefore at least one author per paper has to register timely. The best full papers will be published in an special issue of the Springer series Studies on Computational Intelligence. The extensions of the best papers will be reviewed to be included in an issue of International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems.
In orden to appear in the proceedings, one standard registration per paper must be done.